One of Chef Patissier Alain Desgranges’ Favouri...
Here is one of Chef Patissier Alain Desgranges’ favourite recipes ‘Crème Caramel’. As with our French Apprentice masterclass, this recipe details the professional techniques essential to the success of French...
One of Chef Patissier Alain Desgranges’ Favouri...
Here is one of Chef Patissier Alain Desgranges’ favourite recipes ‘Crème Caramel’. As with our French Apprentice masterclass, this recipe details the professional techniques essential to the success of French...
Ingham’s Foodies treated to French Pâtisserie M...
A passionate group of accomplished and keen amateur cooks was enthralled as Chef Pâtissier Alain Desgranges, demonstrated the skill and artistry of French Pâtisserie.
Ingham’s Foodies treated to French Pâtisserie M...
A passionate group of accomplished and keen amateur cooks was enthralled as Chef Pâtissier Alain Desgranges, demonstrated the skill and artistry of French Pâtisserie.
Welcome to French Apprentice
Bonjour, Bienvenue and welcome to French Apprentice, a complete apprenticeship in French Patisserie. (Minus the polishing of copper pots and scolding by the 'patron'.) In fact it is to these...
Welcome to French Apprentice
Bonjour, Bienvenue and welcome to French Apprentice, a complete apprenticeship in French Patisserie. (Minus the polishing of copper pots and scolding by the 'patron'.) In fact it is to these...